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International Schroth Three dimensional Scoliosis Therapy by ISST®️

The complete basic course includes 2 parts each 5 days with altogether 77hours (CEU). In the 3-6 month between the intensive 5 days training sessions the therapist has to implement and practice the learned elements thoroughly into his daily routine.

Dates & Times

Dubai | April 7-11, 2025

Course Overview

The complete basic course includes 2 parts each 5 days with altogether 77hours (CEU). In the 3-6 month between the intensive 5 days training sessions the therapist has to implement and practise the learned elements thoroughly into his daily routine.

The ISST training enables physical therapists to provide sufficient conservative treatment for patients with spinal deviations mainly for idiopathic scoliosis and kyphosis.

The goal is to prevent surgery, decelerate, or stop the progression and develop effective coping strategies for the patients to improve their social participation and activities in their daily living. This has also a positive effect on the general HQL (health-related quality of life) for children, adults, and elderly patients suffering from scoliosis and kyphosis.

The training enables PT´s to understand the biomechanical conditions of the asymmetric postural aspects and asymmetric loading of the spine leading to functional and structural adaptations and further risk of progression. Specific physical therapy is indicated for patients in a brace and patients reported for surgery or after surgery.

Therapists learn to define their role as team players in an interdisciplinary network of physicians, surgeons, orthopedic technicians (orthotists), parents, patients, and psychologists.


Nikola Jevtić MSc.                             


Nikola was born in Krusevac (Serbia), in 1986. He graduated from the Medical High School in 2005. He acquired the title of a Professor of Physical Education – kinetic therapist graduate in 2011 at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Novi Sad. He finished his Master studies at the same faculty in 2013 with an average grade 9.50 and acquired the title Master Professor of Physical Education and Sports. He enrolled in Doctoral studies at the same faculty in 2013.

He was a demonstrator in the subject Kinetic Therapy and Professional Practice of Kinetic Therapy at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports from 2009 to 2010. At the same time, he was gaining experience at the School of Sports Futog, related to improving motor skills in preschool children. The purpose of this approach was to establish proper growth and development with application of corrective exercises.

After another year of work at the Faculty, this time as a professor assistant in the subject Kinetic Therapy, in the period from 2011 to 2012, Nikola went to “ASKLEPIOS, Katharina – Schroth Klinik”, Germany, for specialization in Schroth three-dimensional method for correction of scoliosis and kyphosis. After his return from Germany, he began to apply his professional knowledge in Schroth method with people who have scoliosis.

Further education

  • 2009. participated and presented a research paper in the International Student Conference “Sports as a lifestyle” at the Masarykova University in Czech Republic.

  • 2009. presented a research paper at the Congress of Anthropological Society of Serbia in Prolom Banja.

  • 2009. participated in the 13th Symposium for Sports and Physical Education for young people in Ohrid, Macedonia, and presented his research paper.

  • 2010, participated in the 14th Symposium for Sports and Physical Education for young people in Ohrid.

  • 2010, passed a course in hand massage with knowledge about elements of the sports massage at Open University, Novi Sad.

  • 2011. completed an English language course at the international language school “Sprachcaffe” in Malta.

  • 2012. completed specialization at “ASKLEPIOS, Katharina – Schroth Klinik” in Germany and acquired the title of a Schroth therapist.

  • 2013. presented a scientific research paper at the Congress of Anthropological Society of Serbia in Novi Sad, Serbia.

  • 2013. renewal of  Schroth therapist licence at ASKLEPIOS, Katharina – Schroth Klinik.

  • 2013.-2014. participated as a research team member for the IPA project entitled “Improving testing abilities on postural and spinal column status – SpineLab”.

  • 2014. renewal of  Schroth therapist licence at ASKLEPIOS, Katharina – Schroth Klinik.

  • 2014. 2014. passed a training course for Spinal Mouse and Contemplas.

Course Objectives

ISST-Basic Course Part I  

In the first course, it is the presentation of an overview regarding theory and practical parts of the approach combined with general information regarding scoliosis.The students will learn to recognize scoliosis features, assess scoliosis, categorize patients, and start to develop thinking in “Body Blocks” and necessary corrections in body planes around biomechanical axes. Corrective Breathing provides a fundamental element for the use of intrinsic forces to improve functional activities and mobility in the concavities of the deformed and altered trunk.

Positioning with simple tools is a crucial part of the learning process from a simple to a more complex understanding and also a first step in the adaptation of the ISST elements into the daily routine of the therapy process.Participants learn the Basic Corrections including pelvic corrections with Basic Tension and assistive Shoulder Counter-Traction. Manual techniques will be used for proprioceptive teaching and to improve the functional capability of the patients.

Basic 3-dimensional stabilizing exercises in stable positions help to restore physiological alignment. Important is to adapt and internalize typical exercise instructions to reach an associative followed by an autonomous stage in the learning process.

At the end of Part I the written exam takes place.

Homework task / study task

Between Part I and Part II participants have to prepare documentation of 2 case reports for two different patients.The documentation includes examination protocol, positioning diagram, photos from patients in a standing position (front-back-side-Adams test), with Basic Corrections in lying and sitting position and the therapy plan: 3 exercises, one breathing exercise, two mobilizing techniques, two home-exercises.

In Part II these papers will be a prerequisite for the certification process; some of the case reports will be presented and discussed.

Study task

Students have to read the 2011 Sosort guidelines: Orthopedic and rehabilitation Treatment of idiopathic scoliosis during growth, in Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders, BioMed Central

The goal of the homework task and study is to work independently with the examination assessment tools and practice the evaluation, preparation, and documentation of the scoliosis specific therapy.The case presentation in Part II describes ways to install the program in the daily routine and offers the chance to discuss the limitations and the prospects of the approach.

Studying the Sosort Guidelines 2011 helps to understand the range of different, less and more, intensive conservative therapy elements (regular observation, exercise-based pro-active therapy, part-time/full-time bracing, surgical intervention) according to the risk of progression.

ISST-Basic Course Part II

Course 2 gives a deep inside in the educational process of the ISST- Schroth method. The theoretical aspects would be revised and refined; additional classifications like King, Lenke, and Rigo discussed; the main principles of bracing presented.

Part 2 completes the standardized therapeutic process from physical examination to the individual therapy plan consisting of exercises, postural teaching, and more specific auxiliary manual techniques. The typical exercises are used with more functional and challenging variations to adapt the therapy program to the developing exercise capacity of the patients.

The relationship between scoliosis and Laterolisthesis will be introduced. Hereby the therapist learns more regarding scoliosis in adult and elderly patients. Scoliosis and pain is the central aspect of this group of patients, and both entities have to be included, mostly separated, in the therapy program.

In the functional parts, the participants work self-independent supervised by the instructor and have the chance to discuss problems within the therapeutic team. To understand more about the surgical way of treatment a short overview of the history and the typical techniques would be given.

Course Agenda

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